
Why is it racial slurs are ok in other languages?

Sale on Children

Lunch view.

Something's Clogging My Sink

Ella wanted to bathe in the sink tonight. Sure.

Sick! (in a good way)

This is just a glimpse of the car next to mine this morning. Wish I could have gotten the whole thing.


Constant reminder why I get up in the morning!:)


Just thought it looked nice.

The Oscars

Just a picture of who is watching the Oscars with me.

Bowling with the Fam


My Birthday

This car has my birthday on its paper license plate. Yay for me.

Coworker's Shoes

These are awesome!

Barnes and Nobles

On our between dinner and the movie. Quick blog while someone uses the little girl's room.

Valentine's Day

My brother and his fam came over. Good times!

So Healthy!

This probably shouldn't be sitting next to my bed. Just sayin.

Valentine Decorations

Pink balloons everywhere!

Weird Cloud Over the Airport

Just looked up and say this fluffy cloud out of place in the middle of these Simpson clouds.

Late Night Dr. Mario

I love my Nintendo DS. I can play video games from the comfort of my own bed!

Hail and Tornadoes Tonight?

Either way, it's raining now...which makes for a fun drive home.

* Edit: This picture was requested to be used in a news article. Cool! Click here.

Big Guy on the Ice

This was my view at lunch. Big guy with a "do rag" doing spins on the ice at the Galleria.

Pretty. o_O

The Weekend

Put a bunch of new photos on Flickr. Here's a couple as previews. Click here for my Flickr pics. Incidentally, all the pictures that I have posted on this site are available at that link.

Walking along the shoreline.

Ethereal Ella.


These goldfish survive just fine out of water.

At the Movies

Watching Push. I know it looks cheesy...I like that kind of stuff. Yay for cheesy super-power movies.


What do you want to see?

I'm curious as to what people might like to see on this site. I've noticed a fair amount of traffic and even have five people willing to admit that they are following, but not sure if anyone really likes what they've seen or not. I don't mind not getting comments, especially when I can see people ARE coming...just curious.

Anyone have thoughts on what they like so far or what they want to see more of?

I promise, this won't become a site where I cry for people to leave comments. Really just trying to get a gauge of what is appealing. Either way, thus far I have enjoyed taking tons of camera phone shots. :)


Thought it looked cool.

Downtown Glare

Pic 2


Doing lunch with the wife.:)

Family Lunch

El Fenix. Mmm!